Our Mission
Use Design and Technology to
Create Positive Social Impact.

First Challenge
We want to make idle resources useful again.
We are blessed with many things, some of the things no longer serve value to us. However, there are always people out there who will find our idle resources useful.
There is a famous saying “One man's trash is another man's treasure.”
People of Dory.
Comprised of a bunch of people who truly believe in doing great work.
If our work can in anyway correlate to doing good for the world, it is already a blessing.
Stephen Wong
Stephen graduated from Stanford Graduate School of Business, and was CEO of Asia Miles Limited. He is a senior executive with over 20 years of general management and working experience in 5 international cities- Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, San Francisco and Hanoi. Also a leading design thinking evangelist, corporate practitioner and educator in Asia. He is also a frequent speaker and mentor in the startup and innovation communities.
He specializes in strategic planning, loyalty marketing, CRM, analytics, insight driven innovation, eCommerce, sales, digital marketing.
Superpower: His super power is that he can tie seemingly unrelated resources or
people to magically do great things together.
Albert Chen
Head of Experience Advisor
Albert is an experienced bilingual, bicultural human-centred design practitioner, researcher and educator. As CEO and content lead for PEBBO Experience Design, Albert successfully work with clients on new product/service design, transforming business culture and developing product and innovation strategy.
He is passionate about teaching human centred design. He has taught classes for Stanford school, National Taiwan University and Tsing Hua University. He is also a frequent speaker for many distinguished organisations and events.
Superpower: His superpower is he can learn from anything and anyone because he is very curious and has a wide interest on different subjects and stories, going from anime to zoology.
Kitty Mak
Projects and Operation lead
We care about what we do.
We’re always looking for talents and good conversations over coffee.
This could be the start of something special.